Staff & Personnel In Civil Engineering

Staff & Personnel In Civil Engineering
Department Overview

Olaoye, Joseph Oladapo

Lecturer III

ND, HND, B.Sc., M.Sc. (Civil Engineering)


Lecturer III|ND, HND, B.Sc., M.Sc. (Civil Engineering)




Civil Engineering


National Diploma & Higher National Diploma

Research Interest

Geotechnics, Water and Environment

Teaching Areas

Building Construction I, Introductory Hydrology, Hydreogeology, Theory of Structures,Introductory Fluid Mechanics 

Selected Publications

  1. Olaoye J.O., Sekoni R.T. and Balogun M.O. (2018) “Properties of Sugarcane Peel Ash        Modified Mud Brick” 1st International Conference, The Federal Polytechnic Ilaro,      Ogun State.
  2. Olaoye J.O. and Omisande L.A. (2017) “The Impact of Abattoir Effluent on Underground Water Quality of Gbonagun Community, Obantoko, Abeokuta” National Conference, School of Pure and Applied Science, Communication and Information Technology, The Federal Polytechnic Ilaro, Ogun State.
  3. Omisande L.A and Olaoye J.O.(2017) “Increasing the usefulness of black cotton soil through    Geotechnical processes” , 11th National Conference of the School of Management         Studies, The Federal polytechnic Ilaro .
  4. Sanni H.A and Olaoye J.O (2016) “Effect of Abattoir Effluent on the Water Quality Status of       Stream in Yewa South Local Government Area ,Ogun State Nigeria.” 3rd National   Conference of the School of Engineering, The Federal Polytechnic Ilaro.
  5. Adenaiya O., Eleshin O., Bashir K.T. and Olaoye J.O. (2015) ‘’Investigating the Causes of             Conflict and Rivalry among Professionals in Construction Industry in Nigeria’’. 3rd             National Conference of the School of Environmental, the Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro

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